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July 09, 2008



Oohhh Yum!
That retro line is gorgeous, Sum!
Now pick me already...hee-hee :)


I LOVE those shoes, Summer! They are me, babyee! Your TI work is fabulous, as usual! Did I say how excited I was that you now have a blog?

debbie cook

fun shoes!!!! and yes, that line makes you want to play!

Betsy V

I love all of your Tinkering creations Summer! So beautiful!


Oh sh*# girl!!! You are going to be totally towering over me in that booth. Maybe I DO need to go with the 4" stilettos. Make that 4.5".
Is there a sister pair to those in say...um...bright pink. ;)


loving these lines from TI


Those shoes are so COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fun papers!

Angie Hagist

Dude!! Love the shoes! And the blog. And all of the layouts. :)

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