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August 23, 2008



What a great birthday gift! Lovin' the garland!

kelly noel

love that banner...so fun! have tons of fun w/your new toy...can't wait to see the pics! :)


psst. you've been tagged!

Lisa Dorsey

WOW Happy Birthday Summer! What an awesome gift! That picture of Grant makes me smile. What a cutie he is! Tell him I said congrats on the goal. That garland is super cute!


YAY on the camera!!!! And your garland is really cute! I just posted mine too. Finally.

Hope you are having a super-dee-dupery birthday, sweetie!!

Rene' Sharp

Congrats on your very exciting news. Good for you!

Michelle St.Clair

Love what you did with the garland. Congrats on MMM. And happy belated birthday too. :)

Deb Wisker

Pretty banner!!! I just did one with Maya Rd stuff that Lisa Pace designed. Lavor intense but I love how it turned out!
Congrats on Grant's win and Happy Birthday!! Tell us more about that fab camera when you get a chance!

Staci Taylor

Congrats on the new camera, what fun! And it looks like you still got a great shot :-) Big big congrats on your new MMM role - that is so amazing!!

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