It's been a while since I put one of my Creative Bucket Lists down on paper so I figured it was best to throw some of the ideas that have been floating around in my head down on to paper (so to speak). A Creative Bucket List is exactly what is sounds like ... simply a list of all kinds of things I want to accomplish be it scrapbooking or sewing or just about anything that fills my creative void. I usually try to put my list to paper at least 2x a year but it's probably been forever since my last one so I am well over due (btw click on the link above to see one of my old lists). So here goes ...
- TAKE MORE PHOTOS (this one is always on my list I often feel like I don't taken enough photos at the right times)
- Work with some of my instagram photos (use that tutorial I pinned)
- Mist (this one has been on the list forever and it I feel like I just started scratching the surface)
- Go monochromatic
- Sew a holiday table runner (yeah yeah this is a carry over item I never got around to making maybe this year)
- Hang the monogram letter in my living room (it's only been sitting there for over a year)
- Create a foodie album (again another long time idea that just hasn't made it to paper)
- Stop Scrapbooking so "literally" (I think I need a whole post dedicated to this)
- Clean out some old product from my office I know I will never use
- Use more of the 30+ Washi tapes I have accumulated over the last 6 months (apparently I have issues)
- Freshen up my blog
- Re-Organize my Pinterest Boards (they are a hot mess)
This list is a work in progress and will change and morph to fit my mood. If you ever wonder I do cross items off my list ... the last item I crossed off my list was a creating December Daily.
Apparently I now have a list of things to do better get crackin'
A creative bucket list ... love this idea!
Posted by: Laura Vegas | October 20, 2012 at 12:50 AM